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Energy routes in the region and the use of renewable

dr Zorana Mihajlović
Minister of Energy, Development and Environmental Protection of the Republic of Serbia
Konstantin Staschus
Secretary General of the European Network of Transmission System Operators Electricity ENTSO-E
Ljubo Maćić
Director, Energy Agency of the Republic of Serbia
Slobodan Sokolović
General Secretary, National Petroleum Committee of Serbia
Jozef Holjenčik
Director, Regulatory Office for Network Industries Slovakia
Dejan Trifunović
Deputy Minister of Sustainable Development, Renewable Energy and Strategic Planning, the Ministry of Energy, Development and Environmental Protection of the Republic of Serbia
Freek Janmaat
Head of Section for European Integration of the EU Delegation in Serbia
Mr Bojan Kovačić
Acting Director of the Energy Efficiency Agency of the Republic of Serbia
Ejal Naor
Deputy Ambassador of Israel to the Republic of Serbia
dr Ištvan Garaguli
The Office of the Ombudsman for the Environment of Hungary
Dragoslav Dobrosavljević
Steering Committee members, network of energy managers Serbia
Aleksandra Ninković Tašić
Vice President of Scientific Educational Society "Mihajlo Pupin"
- Dragoslav Dobrosavljević Prezentacija - 11987 KB
- Ejal Naor Prezentacija - 9196 KB
- Zorana Mihajlovic Prezentacija - 6664 KB
- Dejan Trifunovic Prezentacija - 5504 KB
- Konstantin Staschus Prezentacija - 4960 KB
- Ljubo Macic Prezentacija - 2953 KB
- Bojan Kovacic Prezentacija - 342 KB
- Istvan Garaguli Prezentacija - 205 KB
- Jozef Holjencik Govor - 89 KB