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Serbian agriculture – exporting possibilities and supply of domestic market

And supported by The Association of Journalists for Agriculture AGROPRESS
Has a pleasure to invite You at the Conference
Hotel Hyatt, Belgrade, Serbia, 5th of April 2012, 9 o’clock
When it comes to the agrarian policy of Serbia, we can say that with a disappearance of former Yougoslavia large market, the disappearance of the organisations based on cooperative principles, so as with disappearance of big foreign trade enterprises that were operating with big contracts and exporting, has disappeared and organized Serbian export in agriculture.
Nowadays in Serbia we have a few big enterprises that export mostly crops in organized manner and larger extent, whilst when it comes to the fruit and vegetables we do have export growth trend. Foreign buyers will take more seriously Serbian market when the quality of offered goods is unified and when the quantity is encreased. It is important question if Serbia has enough goods for foreign buyers.
Serbia has a large – extensive production of crops but still a small production in the sector of stock farming. On this meeting it will be discussed about how live stock in Serbia to eat Serbian crops and after that our meat and meat products so as milk and milk products to enter EU, Russian and markets of the countries in the region.
This conference has a goal to enable exchange of information and attitudes of all interested parties, but also to inform public on trends and plans in agriculture production and placement, so as on weaknesses in this sector. Particularly, there will be a possibility for an open discussion to the speakers from the Serbian Government, in order to make a better communication between two target groups: Serbian Government and business community.
What are the needs and demands of world market, tendencies and experiences after price growth during the food crisis
Serbian agrarian policy for 2012
Governmental plan of irrigation – possibility for improvement of production and yields
Positioning of agrar budget in national budget of Serbia – is 10% that agrarian economists are pleading for, enough for country to provide food industry development and if this is achievable
Big companies as a leaders of development in agrobusiness
Possibilities for export improvement
Serbian agriculture in period after getting candidacy for EU membership
Standardization as a condition for improvement of quality of agriculture and food production on domestic and foreign market
Mr. Dušan Petrovic, Minister of Agriculture, Trade, Forestry and Water Management of Republic of Serbia
H.E, Mrs. Mette Kjuel Nielsen, the ambassador of Denmark in Serbia
Adriano Martins, Delegation of European Union to the Republic of Serbia
Ms. Francesca Bignami, Policy Expert on Economic Analysis and Wine, Copa-Cogeca, Brussels
Dr Drago Cvijanovic, General Manager of the Institute for Economics of Agriculture, Belgrade
Representatives of the biggest companies in the sector of agriculture and food industry in Serbia
Financing of agricultural production on capital markets
Possibilities of technical and technological improvement of agrar sector – building of new and activating of the capacities that stopped working
Perspectives of fruit and vegetable production
Livestock production – How to encrease the share in agricultural production
Support and experiences of Denmark
Change of production structure – Regionalisation and stimulating with agrarian policy measures
The role of public storage for regulation of the market of agricultural products
Mr. Milos Milovanovic, Assistant Ministar in Ministry of Agriculture, Trade, Forestry and Waste Management of Republic of Serbia
Mr. Miljan Ždrale, EBRD Office in Serbia
Mr. Vojislav Stankovic, Serbian Chamber of Commerce
Predrag Lucic, President of Lucic Group
Mr. Nikola Mihailovic, President of Cooperative Union of Serbia
Dr Zorica Vasiljevic, Faculty of Agriculture University of Belgrade
Mrs. Tatijana Djukanovic, Deputy Director of Compensation Fund of Republic of Serbia
Representatives of agriculture producers and banks
Opportunity for meeting of representatives of agrarian business and highest representatives of the Serbian Government and international representatives
Opportunity for asking questions and solving of possible dilemmas
Opportunity for getting to know with other investors, potential business partners
Opportunity for informing on model of development financing, especially in the terms of global and local crisis
Opportunity for establishing and expanding of business and proffesional contacts
Opportunity for exchange of experiences with other participants

Tatijana Đukanović
Deputy Director of the Compensation Fund of Serbia
Predrag Lučić
President of the Lucic Group
Vojislav Ignjatov
Director of Agriculture ProCredit Bank
Nikola Mihailović
President of the Cooperative Union of Serbia
Dušan Petrović
Minister of Agriculture, Trade, Forestry and Water Management of the Republic of Serbia
Mette Kjuel Nielsen
The Danish Embassy in Serbia
Adriano Martins
Deputy Head of Delegation of the European Commission
Suzan Fric
Director of the USAID Mission in Serbia
Dejan Janjatović
Member of the Executive Board of ProCredit Bank
Zoran Mitrović
CEO of Victoria Group
Slavko Carić
President of the Executive Board at Erste Bank
Frančeska Binami
expert economic analysis and wine by the Committee of advanced agricultural organizations and the General Confederation of Agricultural Cooperatives EU COPA COGECA, Brussels
Miloš Milovanović
Deputy Minister of Agriculture, Trade, Forestry and Water Management of the Republic of Serbia
Miljan Ždrale
Senior Banker Agribusiness team of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development
Zorica Vasiljević
Faculty of Agriculture, University of Belgrade